The long line in front of Larchmont Village Hall on a cold misty morning . . .
made one Loop reader wonder if they were giving out money. Unfortunately, no, but it’s the annual queue for train station parking permits for Town of Mamaroneck residents and out-of-towners. There are only limited "combined" permits available for Lot 3 (where you pay a flat fee but don’t feed the meter).
Why, you wonder?
Village staff say it’s the first year for this type of permit and they want to see how it goes. For the record, Town of Mamaroneck residents can apply for up to two regular Lot 3 permits per household by mail through December 18.
As for those pesky unused parking debit cards in anticipation of the new meter system, you have until January 8, 2010 to seek a refund.
this standing in line was needless since it is a relatively simple matter to obtain the permits by mail after downloading an application. The office of the Village Clerk promptly and efficiently processes these mail orders even for aliens like me from the Town of Mamaroneck. If the police were as efficient in ticketing all of those cars without permits at the station lot this whole business would seem more worthwhile