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HomeLarchmontThe List: Community Resources for Residents Impacted by Flood

The List: Community Resources for Residents Impacted by Flood

A comprehensive list of resources (and some amazing volunteer efforts)

  • How much food did the the Larchmont Mamaroneck Hunger Task Force distribute? –CLICK 
  • The magnitude of the waste tonnage collected by the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Sanitation Commission is a 561% increase over 2019 tonnage and a 466% increase over 2020 tonnage for the period September 4 – September 8!
  • note: New Rochelle High School will start with all-remote learning, possibly until November, due to sewage contamination and flooding.

There have been a number of reports of carbon monoxide poisoning. If you are experiencing vomiting or having headaches, or feeling sick, please call 911. If you are using a generator, please keep the generator at least 20 feet from your home. Make sure your residence is properly ventilated. Carbon monoxide from these generators give off an odorless, colorless gas.

The Red Cross Shelter at Mamaroneck High School. After one-week of service, the Red Cross Shelter at Mamaroneck High School has closed. If you need assistance from the Red Cross, you can call 800-Red-Cross. That’s 1-800-733-2767.

The Recovery Center at the Village Courthouse at 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue is open from 9am to 5pm, everyday, and will remain the Recovery Center for the Red Cross, FEMA, Department of Social Services, and other agencies until further notice. There is crisis counseling. If you visit 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue for these services, they suggest you bring your ID.

Computers are available at the Recovery Center to assist residents applying for disaster aid. Bi-lingual volunteers, organized by the Coalition for Community, are also onsite and assisting residents.

Bottled Water is available at the parking lot adjacent to the Marine Education Center in Harbor Island Park, from 9am to 5pm, every day or until supplies last.

Volunteers and Donated Items: Volunteer operations and donations in the Village are being handled by the Coalition for Community – a local group of nonprofits, social service agencies and houses of worship working together.  Their work is instrumental in ensuring that that we are efficient and serve as many people as possible. Your help is most effective when coordinated through the Coalition for Community. Visit any of their Facebook pages for volunteer opportunities, how to donate items, and more. At this time, please refrain from delivering donated items directly to 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue. 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue is crowded with FEMA, Red Cross, other services, and residents who are in need. Any extra people there will interfere with those operations.

Food. Families displaced by the flood or who are without cooking facilities can visit or call (914) 923-1100 to find other pantries or food assistance sources.

Debris Piles and Sanitation. DPW crews – with assistance from neighboring municipalities, the County, and State – continue to pick up debris piles.  If you have a debris pile in front of your residence, please try to keep regular garbage separate from the debris piles. If you have a vehicle parked along the street in front of a debris pile, please move your vehicle so that our trucks and crews can tackle these debris piles. The Village Manager has extended FREE parking in all Village Parking lots until next Tuesday, September 14.

Disabled Vehicles on Village Streets. If you have a disabled vehicle parked along  streets, it will need to be moved by Tuesday, September 14 – otherwise it will be towed at your expense. Approximately 256 cars have been identified with orange placards on Mamaroneck Village Streets alone. If your car has an orange placard or is disabled on a village street, it will need to be moved by Tuesday, September 14 – otherwise it will be towed at your expense.

Electricity:  ConEdison and the Village’s Buildings Department continue to address RED TAGGED buildings. Licensed electricians can drop off certification letters at Village Hall at the Regatta at 123 Mamaroneck Avenue between 9am and 5pm. Please do not bring certification letters to the Emergency Operations Center at 146 Palmer Avenue.

How much food did the the Larchmont Mamaroneck Hunger Task Force distribute?

Over 230 families were served representing almost 1,000 individuals.
Volunteers distributed:
300 pizzas quickly baked by Villa Maria
300 sandwiches purchased from Stop & Shop
380 packets of a variety of prepared chicken purchased from Pizza Gourmet, Chickens Gone Wild, and S&S
300 boxes of 6 fresh-baked donuts also from S&S
The items above were purchased with funds from generous donors, our neighbors.
Also distributed:
–Lots of homemade sandwiches donated by local residents
800 breakfast bags which included raisins, individual cereal, shelf-stable milk and other items provided by Feeding Westchester
–Hundreds of bags of donated apples, oranges, and bananas
–Lots of bagels donated by Bagels by Sophia in Larchmont
Fresh-baked pastries donated by Carolina Figueiredo of Boleria in Mamaroneck (Carolina has been providing weekly donations like this since the start of the pandemic)
Hundreds of cases of water and juice boxes donated by local residents
–Hope Community Services in New Rochelle provided hundreds of snack packs, shelf- stable milk, Stacey’s pita chips, apples tea, and other ready-to-eat items
–A large assortment assortment of canned food
Stop&Shop gift cards were purchased and distributed to all food recipients, thanks to a local resident who donated $50,000 anonymously to be used expressly for the gift cards or other forms of immediate relief. Additional gift cards were donated by Lisa Boren
Leftover snack bags and cases of water were brought to the FEMA site at the VOM Municipal Building and 25 cases of water were taken to the VOM community relief site at Harbor Island Park.
50 S&S gift cards were provided to the clothing distribution last weekend at St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
theLoop has been the Sound Shore area's online source of news, information and conversation since 2007.


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September 10, 2021 1:49 PM

Thank you all for your efforts!
And thank you Villa Maria for your continued community support!

• C O M M U N I T Y • C A L E N D A R •

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