This week, the Teardown of the Week…has not yet been approved by the Larchmont Planning Board. But an application has been made to tear down 5 Vandenburgh Avenue and replace it with four single family homes. Yes, 4. The lot is half an acre.
It was sold in January for a reported $2,007,000.
RGF Development Corp.’s application for Block 607, Lot 286 has previously been adjourned at the 12/9/13, 1/6, 3/10, 4/7, 5/5, 6/9, and the 7/7/14 Planning Board meetings. It is on the agenda again for Nov. 10.
The location is very close to Turtle Park, popular with toddlers.
What do you think?
We encourage anyone concerned about village-appropriate development, easy and safe access to Turtle Park and the train station plus potential water issues to voice his/her thoughts at Monday, November 10th’s Planning Board Meeting
Planning Board meeting November 10th.
Appalled ! Go to next Planning Board meeting Nov 10th to voice your opinion at the public hearing and make sure this project gets scaled back! Really 4 houses means 4 driveways kids the will be crossing on the way to the park! Was told current plans propose removing all trees. This sounds like overdevelopment by a greedy developer invading our village just to make money!
Can we all spell Greed? That’s all it is, pure and simple. There can be no other explanation for tearing down a lovely and perfectly acceptable house simply because it happens to be on a lot that some short-sighted developer thinks is large enough to squeeze in four houses. This is so wrong.
Next Monday
October 20, 2014 – Board of Trustees Meeting
Time: 7:30 pm
at Village Hall, the municipal building
Next Wednesday
October 22, 2014 – Architectural Board of Review Meeting
Time: 8:00 pm
Mayor: Anne H. McAndrews
Board of Trustees: John Komar, Marlene Kolbert, Lorraine Walsh, Peter Fanelli
Board of Architectural Review
Responsible for reviewing all proposed exterior construction in the
Village, both residential and commercial. Its mission is to preserve and
promote the character and appearance of the Village….
Chair: Tim Mount
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals hears all requests for variances from the
Larchmont Code of Zoning Code as well as requests for special permits
under those regulations. Members of the Board make on-site inspections
to assist in evaluation of all applications, including issues of
hardship, character of the neighborhood, change of use, etc., and follow
specific guidelines in making their determinations.
Chair: Harri Taranto
Planning Board
Responsible for reviewing all site plans and subdivision applications
in the Village, both residential and commercial, to ensure that they
are consistent with the Village’s land use and development needs. Its
review includes matters such as lighting, parking, drainage, traffic
flow, and plantings. Its goal is to apply sound and consistent community
planning principles to ensure harmonious development….
Chair: Peter Gaito
4 houses? on a 1/2 acre plot?? really! why not 8 or 10?
this is getting ridiculous…don’t you think it’s about time we stop these people who are tearing the historic heart out of our town?