Snow loathers may be loving this winter. But Westchester businesspeople who rely on the cold white stuff for their livelihoods are calling it a great, big bust.
“We’ll be glad when the spring gets here,” says Carl Steiniger, assistant manager of Eastern Mountain Sports in Scarsdale, where sales of winter sporting goods “went into a tailspin” due to the lack of snow. “Hopefully we’ll have a great kayaking season.”
Banking on a repeat of last winter’s abundant snow, Steiniger convinced company administrators to add cross-country skis — which were in big demand last year — to his inventory this season.
After selling fewer than a dozen pair at the start of the season, “we are starting to ship them up north where buyers might be able to find some white stuff because they aren’t able to find it down here,” he says.
Bill Homer, owner of East Coast Surf, Skate & Snow, says his Larchmont store is also experiencing a slump in sales of winter outerwear and equipment due to the notable lack of snow. “It’s definitely impacted us,” he says.
Homer says winter sports enthusiasts are grumbling about the skimpy offerings on area ski and snowboard slopes.
That likely won’t change anytime soon. The forecast for Friday and Saturday includes a slight chance of snow. But even that could just as soon wash away with the rain forecasted for Saturday night.
All of which has thrown a wrench in the plans of Larchmont resident Tami Mount, who this season decided to cede to (and possibly even enjoy) winter’s wicked ways for the first time since moving here from California eight years ago.
“I finally bought a real winter coat because I was tired of being crazy cold. But I’ve only worn it two times this year because the weather has been so mild,” she says. “And the family geared up for a season of outdoor snow activities.”
“So I have to ask: Where is the cold snowy weather that I finally gave into?”
— Photos by Jacqueline Silberbush
We hadn’t really considered those who might not be thrilled about the lack of snow. We’ve been enjoying not seeing the fluffy white stuff, but it just doesn’t seem like winter without it in Mount Vernon.