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HomeFood & DiningResidents Hopeful on New Molly Spillane's Noise Regulation

Residents Hopeful on New Molly Spillane’s Noise Regulation

molly spillanes


submitted by Kate Priest:

The Mamaroneck neighborhood coalition that has been working for several years to fight noise from Molly Spillane’s Restaurant, located in a mixed use area, won a victory at the last Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.

The final special permit resolution states that after many complaints, extensive public testimony and a petition signed by local residents, the ZBA found that Molly’s Spillane’s was not doing enough to diminish its noise impacts on the quality of life in the surrounding neighborhood.

A summary of the new permit regulations is as follows:

1) Outdoor patio must be closed at 11pm on weekdays and 12am on weekends, previously was open until 3am.

2) Windows must be shut with locks and a mechanism to keep them locked and doors must be self-closing, not kept propped open by 10pm on weekdays, 11pm on weekends.

3) The special permit will be renewed for only one year not two to “ensure noise impacts of  the use will be addressed by the Applicant.”

While the neighborhood residents are encouraged by this outcome from the ZBA, we will wait to see if Molly Spillane’s actually steps up their efforts to control noise from their business in consideration of the neigborhood and also to see if the police and building department actually follow through to enforce any violations of the new and other regulations by writing a summons.  Previously, even though there were hundreds of documented complaints, not a single summons was ever written.

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