Mamaroneck Village Police say they received “numerous complaints from parents, business owners, and community members” about the Mamaroneck Convenience Store, located at 311 Mamaroneck Avenue, possibly selling dangerous and illegal products to young teenagers and the general public.
Police found the following items for sale:
Marijuana, (of which the Village of Mamaroneck opted out of allowing sales)
Flavored e-cigarettes/vapes
CBD flavored gummies
THC flavored gummies
Pre-rolled Marijuana cigarettes
THC liquid vape/oils
Delta 8 THC
Some of these products were packaged to look like candy to appear attractive and appealing to young children and teenagers.
Both the business and store employee were summonsed, and the illegal products were seized by the Village of Mamaroneck Police Department.
Police say despite their appearance, just one gummie or candy bar can contain several times the recommended adult dose of THC. Anyone who eats an entire THC edible, especially a child, can experience effects such as:
Heart problems
Apnea (not breathing for 10 seconds or longer)
Altered Perception
Slurred Speech
not cool man 😐😐
Great job by Mamaroneck Police responding to citizen complaints. Up to prosecutors now. We’ll see!