New Rochelle–Middle Schoolers coming home on a bus in New Rochelle were kicked off for bad behavior Thursday, according to News12.
About 15 students from Isaac E. Young Middle school were told to walk home after a Liberty Lines (part of the Bee Line system) bus driver complained of their rowdy behavior. The driver claims the kids were jumping up and down, swinging on poles, and making noise until they were kicked off at Main Street and the Post Road, the report says.
Some parents are outraged and say it wasn’t safe for the kids to walk over a mile. The bus company is defending its driver, and says it will investigate further.
What do you think?
The bus company is absolutely right to back up the driver. Driving a school bus demands full attention–being distracted by rowdy behavior puts every child on that bus in harm’s way. The appropriate action by the parents would have been to apologize to the driver (and the parents of the other kids) and to ground the bejeezus out of their kids! Monitors on the buses are no longer a luxury but a necessity. When I went to school in Mt. Vernon in the 1950s, walking a mile or more was standard incidentally.