Girl Scouts in Mamaroneck’s Brownie Troop 2974 at Daniel Warren Elementary School recently wrote a letter to Village of Mamaroneck Mayor Tom Murphy asking that the crosswalk signs on Florence Street be replaced. The signs remind drivers to yield to pedestrians as they cross the street.
In addition to using the crosswalk to get to Florence Park, many children, as the Girl Scouts wrote, “use the crosswalk to walk to school safely.”
The letter was part of the Girl Scout’s Brownie Quest Journey, which is all about making our community a better place.
Mayor Tom Murphy immediately brought the request to DPW General Foreman James Barney. New, permanent, high-visibility pedestrian signs were installed on both sides of the street, in both directions as well as ‘Pedestrian Crossing Ahead’ signs approaching the crosswalk.
In 2019, the Village’s Board of Trustees passed legislation making the speed limit on nearly all Village of Mamaroneck streets 25 MPH. “The Village is actively supporting a more equitable, safe, accessible roadway system in our Village,” according to the Village website.