Parents of students at Mamaroneck High School received an unusual letter from Principal Elizabeth Clain on Monday, which addressed concerns that many kids may have about the election of Donald Trump, and which was read to the students in school:
Ms. Clain began by writing that she has worked with young people for over 26 years and has taught through six presidential elections.
She writes, In all these years I have never seen students have such a strong reaction to an election. Last week I spoke to students who were hurting, angry and genuinely afraid and to students who are excited to see what our new president will do for the United States.
There is no question that the rhetoric surrounding this election has had a profound impact on the civil discourse in the United States, but at MHS we have continued to hold true to our values. This is a community that has always valued the strength we gain from the diverse backgrounds of our faculty and student body. We are a public school that is steadfast in our guarantee that students of all political parties, ethnic backgrounds, religious groups and sexual identities feel welcome and at home in these halls.
In the aftermath of our election we must double down on our commitment to ensure that students continue to feel supported, respected and heard at MHS. While you may not have backed the same presidential candidate as some of your classmates, please do not draw conclusions about why someone did or did not support your choice for president. Please do not engage in hateful speech and do not denigrate each other because by doing so you are degrading yourself and our country. We, at MHS, are better than this and it is our duty and obligation in our beautiful microcosm of American Society to be an example for others.
With great respect, Ms. Clain
Photo: Mamaroneck PTSA
A few teachers at HMX could use a similar message. My kids came home last Wednesday telling me (i) that a teacher broke down in tears in class over the results (saying something to the effect that she feared for the kids and their future) and (ii) that another teacher played REMs “its the end of the world as we know it” (great song) along with some political commentary. Note that neither class was a civics, political science, etc. class, etc. I would ask the teachers at HMX to please leave their editorializing for home or off school hours. My kids can think for themselves and draw their own conclusions about what happened and why. Note – I did not vote for or support our President elect. I am concerned that in classes where teachers have expressed their political views, students with opposing views may be marginalized (or worse, actively discriminated against). I am also against my tax dollars being used to create a forum in class for a particular candidate or view.