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HomeNewsEarthquake Hits New York Area, Tremors Felt in Westchester

Earthquake Hits New York Area, Tremors Felt in Westchester

Graphic: The New York Times

A magnitude-4.8 earthquake hit the Northeasterm U.S. at 10:23 a.m. on Friday, according to the United States Geological Survey, sending tremors into our area, and from Philadelphia to Boston and throughout the five boroughs.

“It felt like a buzz, a vibration,” said a Larchmont resident. “The radiators in the house got really loud.”

No injuries have been reported.

The New York Times says the U.S.G.S. reported that the earthquake’s epicenter was in Lebanon, N.J., about 50 miles west of New York City, “where china plates rattled in diners and frightened residents darted into streets to find trees, cars and the ground shaking.”

Officials say small aftershocks are possible, and urge residents to follow these guidelines in case of tremors.

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