As part of an initiative by the Local Summit to honor the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965:
Thursday, January 15, 2015, 7:00 pm
Mamaroneck High School, Tiered Classroom, Parking off Boston Post Road
Jessica Wisneski, Legislative & Campaigns Director of Citizen Action of New York, will speak on:
Co-sponsored by The League of Women Voters of Larchmont/Mamaroneck and The Local Summit.
Citizen Action is a statewide, grassroots membership organization that fights for social, economic, racialand environmental justice. Before joining Citizen Action in 2006, Ms. Wisneski was the Field Coordinator for Hawaii’s statewide 2004-2005 Clean Money, Clean Elections campaign. She coordinated the coalition to End Prison- based Gerrymandering that won an end to the unjust practice in 2011. She chairs and provides strategic direction for the Health Care for All New York Coalition, a coalition of more than 140 health care advocacy groups that helped win and implement the Affordable Care Act. She also has directed the Fair Elections for New York Campaign, now with more than 100 organizations that are fighting for publicly financed elections and comprehensive campaign finance reform in New York State. In addition, she chairs the Working Families Party’s Ulster County Committee.