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HomeLarchmontWednesday Night: Mamaroneck Public Hearing on Teardown Law

Wednesday Night: Mamaroneck Public Hearing on Teardown Law

169 rockingstone teardown
after: 169 Rockingstone, note new scale of house to right


rockingstone teardown
Before, 169 Rockingstone


We now know how many people feel about teardown surprises in the area, so prevalent, we have a Teardown of the Week column.

Now, the Mamaroneck Town Board is considering a“ Notification of Demolition” law so that people like those near 305 Rockingstone Avenue don’t learn a house is being razed (to build a pool) as the first machine starts up.

March 25 at 8 pm, a Public Hearing will meet to consider whether “prior to demolition, notice should be given by mail to owners or occupants of properties adjacent to a site where the demolition of all or substantial sections of structures is about to occur and to the general public through the posting of a sign.”

Mamaroneck Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York 

Here is a copy of the Draft Local Law:

[gview file=”https://larchmontloop.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2015-03-25_ph_demo_law-1.doc”]

Full agenda, Draft law begins p. 148:

[gview file=”https://larchmontloop.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2015-03-25_town_board_meeting_documents.pdf”]


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