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HomeComing UpComing Up: Larchmont Neighbors for Peace, Indivisible Westchester - Jan. 29

Coming Up: Larchmont Neighbors for Peace, Indivisible Westchester – Jan. 29

womens march
Local marchers in Washington Jan. 21, 2017


Submitted by Frances Snedeker

A group called “Neighbors for Peace” sprung from a Vigil that was held in Larchmont the weekend after the election.

Now, following the momentum generated by the Women’s March,  “Indivisible Westchester” has been created for hands on, local action.

There will be a kick-off meeting this coming Sunday at 3:30 in Larchmont for anyone interested in getting involved.  More info below.  (This gathering is for all, not just women…)

Indivisible Westchester is now the political action arm for Neighbors for Peace, using the nationally recognized Indivisible Guide as a primary framework for action, and also borrowing from other progressive action oriented groups and agendas. Please take a minute to review the guide below. It borrows a page from the Tea Party’s local grassroots organizing efforts as a proven way to  hold elected officials accountable to their constituents.

Indivisible Westchester will focus solely on the goal of supporting progressive candidates and policies with two main groups:

1. Local and state elections, policies and issues affecting Westchester residents and NY State

2. National elections and issues at the congressional and federal level.  We will be coordinating with other local and national groups to mobilize activists to resist the hateful, divisive and harmful Trump agenda.

If you’re interested in becoming an active member, please join us for Indivisible Westchester’s kick-off meeting this Sunday, January 29th in Larchmont! (And / Or follow us on Facebook.)

The gathering will be held at 3:30 pm at the Larchmont Ave Church, 60 Forest Park Ave entrance, where the Reverend Bill Crawford has welcomed us to use the Carhart Room on the lower level.

Any amount of volunteer effort and time is welcome. Together we can form and mobilize a diverse coalition of organized progressive activists throughout Westchester County. Activities will include calls, fundraising, local meetings with elected officials, volunteering on political campaigns, protesting, letter writing, etc..

Neighbors For Peace will continue to exist as a platform to share ideas, educate, inform, communicate, motivate like minded voters and provide support during these trying times – and vent! Please feel free to post to this group and invite others to join.

If you’re interested in becoming an active member, please also add yourself to our Facebook page “Indivisible Westchester” and follow

@indivisWstchr on Twitter


Please feel free to post to this group and invite others to join.

#wethepeople #resist



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rosemary sacken
rosemary sacken
March 9, 2017 4:17 PM

how can i get your fri newsletter? it was mentioned by ms ballard at dorries’ diner tues nite talk 2/28/17.

Polly Kreisman
March 9, 2017 7:06 PM

You can sign up on the home page at http://www.theloopny.com but we will add you now.

January 27, 2017 7:02 PM

Can we make Larchmont-Mamaroneck a sanctuary city?

March 3, 2017 1:39 PM
Reply to  Hilary

Before you think of making Mamaroneck a sanctuary, you might want to sit in on one of the village of Mamaroneck criminal court sessions on Thursday mornings. Almost all of the offenders are immigrants, many living in our town illegally and some with multiple violent charges against them. Top this off with our current Judge, who’s main concern when deciding punishment is that these offenders don’t get deported as opposed to keeping us, our children and our property safe, I’d say we already have a sanctuary here for any immigrant who wants to live with complete disregard for our laws.

January 27, 2017 12:11 PM

Why don’t these fools get with the program you crook candidate lost nothing will change that so get with the program

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