With the kids home from school for a “Superintendent’s Day” (and because my car was towed in NYC late last night) we’re going to mix up the schedule today a bit and start with….
Pelhamdale, at 45 Iden Road, is the oldest home in Pelham.
According to HistoricPelham.com , “Philip Pell II built portions believed to be part of today’s structure between about 1750 and 1760. The home is one of two in Pelham Manor that include sections built before the Revolutionary War. The other is the “Kemble House” located at 145 Shore Road.
Philip Pell II was a grandson of Thomas Pell, so-called “3rd Lord of the Manor of Pelham”. After the Revolutionary War, Col. David J. Pell, a son of Philip Pell II, owned the property. The home is listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places and has been granted a New York State Historic Marker.
Notice the cupola on the historic picture.
top photo and photo below: Jacqueline Silberbush
Print: courtesy Blake A. Bell