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HomeNews Video: Larchmont Teardown of the Week Begins, What Will Be Next?

Video: Larchmont Teardown of the Week Begins, What Will Be Next?

Teardown began Monday morning, above.

teardown rockingstone


The old house:

305 rockingstone teardown
Another teardown:

305 Rockingstone Avenue in Larchmont will be demolished, beginning today, so that back door neighbors on Vine Road (correction) can build a pool.

Rockingstone residents say they were not notified by the owners or the Town and all they know is what they’ve seen, which is a fence, workers and some trucks.

On, and the sales price for the teardown to build a pool? About $1.4 million.

This time, it’s not to build four houses.


305rockingstone teardown



Loop Staff
Loop Staff
Members of theLoop staff contributed to this report.


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November 20, 2014 8:54 PM

This doesn’t make any sense. The house sold last December. Has it been empty for a year? It’s a good lot size, are you sure it’s not being torn down to build a new home as opposed to a pool for someone on Vine Rd.? Seems unreal!

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